What is the SOSIE Personality Assessment?
Two people with the same personality traits may act differently according to their value systems. And a clash between personal and job or organisational values often lead to disillusionment in the role or with the organisation, decrease in job satisfaction, disengagement and turn-over. On the contrary, alignment between the person and the organisational values is a boost in terms of job performance, learning and development, job satisfaction and loyalty.
SOSIE is the only reliable assessment to identify a person’s personality AND values system to reliably predict motivations, behaviour and adaptation to a role, team and organisational culture.
Eight personality traits to look at the characteristics that influence someone’s behaviour:
- Dominance
- Responsibility
- Stress Resistance
- Sociability
- Cautiousness
- Original Thinking
- Personal Relations
- Vigour
Six interpersonal values to identify what drives someone in terms of interactions with others:
- Support
- Conformity
- Recognition
- Independence
- Benevolence
- Power
Six personal values to explore someone’s drivers in terms of ways of working and professional activities:
- Materialism
- Achievement
- Variety
- Conviction
- Orderliness
- Goal orientation
Valid and reliable, the SOSIE enables you to get results quickly, and the quasi-ipsative question format makes it difficult for candidates to fake responses. Multiple reports are available, such as a basic profile report, sales report, manager report, customer service report and a candidate feedback report.
- Assess personality and values with one single questionnaire
- Full range of reports to suit the customer needs
- Competency reports that show likely fit with a number of the competencies required for various roles (Managers, Sales, Teachers and Customer service rep.)
- Extensive cross-cultural adaptations across 12 countries
- Related services available on request (job profiling, specific norm, bespoke report, etc.)
- Reliable, backed by years of research and thousands of data
- Very hard to fake (ipsative format)
- Easy to administer: online, unsupervised administration.