Consultancy Services
All our Consultants have a solid track-record in providing HR services to organisations and guarantee a reliable, trusted, simple and cooperative service that fits your HR budget.
They are on hand to support our customers with everyday enquiries relating to our products, but also to work with them to provide additional services.
Managing the assessment process for job applicants, candidates and employees requires time, effort, and a thorough knowledge of organisational psychology.
If you don’t have an in-house, specialist HR consultant you can outsource the entire assessment process to one of our Assessment Consultants.
They will work with you to decide which solution is likely to solve the challenge(s) you face, take care of the full assessment process and deliver a report for each candidate allowing you to make a well supported hiring decision.
Validity Studies
Our consultants can work with you to obtain an evidence-based correlation between a test and performance by conducting a validity study.
This provides you with a legal argument to explain how and why a specific test is relevant for use in your selection process, and can also be used to implement a legally defensible cut-score based on scientific validation data.
Bespoke Norms
The normative group, or norm group, refers to a sample of test takers who are representative of the population for whom the test is intended. We offer a range of norms for all of our products, allowing our customers to choose the most relevant norm group for their intended test takers.
There may be occasions when your group of applicants may differ fom our standard norms. In this case, it would be appropriate to build a specific norm group using your own applicants' test results.