RAVEN'S™ Adaptive
RAVEN'S™ Adaptive
RAVEN'S™ Adaptive
Assess general cognitive ability using cutting edge adaptive test technology
RAVEN'S™ Adaptive
Recruitment needs have evolved over recent years, affected by time pressures, market conditions and finance. But one thing that has remained consistent is the need for a reliable measure of problem-solving and reasoning ability. However, to address the needs of today's organisations, a digital test that uses CAT technology is essential to provide:
- Greater test security
- Improved test engagement that avoids candidate discouragement
- The ability to fairly assess a wide pool of candidates
- Remote testing that meets the needs of today's candidates
The latest edition, RAVEN'S Adaptive responds to this need, using cutting-edge Computerised Adaptive Testing technology which results in a shorter test, more reliable scores and an improved test taker experience.
"We have found the RAVEN’S™ to be a good measure of fluid intelligence and it is especially good where other ability tests could disadvantage candidates from different cultural and language backgrounds."
Smithfield Performance Limited
Why choose RAVEN'S™ Adaptive?
Proven predictor of performance
RAVEN’S is one of the most proven predictors of performance in roles requiring the ability to solve new problems, and learn quickly, and it has been used in many countries for decades as a measure of problem-solving and reasoning ability.
Bias and language free
The assessment is diagrammatic and free from words and text meaning it is ideal when testing candidates who speak varying languages and making it perfect for recruiting across geographies.
Tests potential
The non-verbal content of the questions also minimises the effect of prior knowledge and verbal ability on the test scores, which means RAVEN'S can assess an individual’s true intellectual potential.
Reduce risk and increase candidate pool
Adaptive testing means that you can use just one test to assess a diverse pool of individuals with differing abilities along the performance spectrum On average, a 'bad hire' costs companies 30% of each hire's annual salary. Using RAVEN'S Adaptive can help strengthen your decision-making process.
Improves candidate engagement
RAVEN'S Adaptive is shorter than the previous versions thanks to the adaptive testing methodology. It only has 15 items and is untimed but typically take around 12 minutes to complete.
Improves company brand and candidate motivation
The adaptive testing methodology means that test takers have a better experience, as items are presented at the ability level of test taker. This stretches higher ability test takers and enables those with a lower ability to find the test more motivating.
About RAVEN'S™ Adaptive
Measuring Lateral Thinking with the RAVEN'S™ Test
There is no one clear test to measure a candidate's ability to think laterally. However, measuring a candidate's thinking via abstract reasoning testing is used as one of many ways to measure lateral thinking. These tests measure a candidate's speed and accuracy in which they can interpret information and identify relationships between shapes and patterns. Measuring abstract reasoning in this manner provides a non-bias way of assessing reasoning and thinking. This reasoning test allows recruiters to better understand how prospective candidates can identify patterns and solve problems relative to their business industry.
What is this Abstract Reasoning Test used for?
RAVEN’S is one of the most proven predictors of performance in roles requiring these abilities. It uses a non-verbal approach (diagrammatic) and therefore reduces potential linguistic bias, thus making it perfect for recruiting across geographies.
Why use CAT Technology?
Compared with traditional fixed form tests, scored using classical test theory, Computerised Adaptive Testing (CAT) presents a modern method of delivering tests to job applicants or students.
One of the key features of CAT is that the difficulty of items presented to each test-taker is tailored to their level of ability, meaning that those who answer the items correctly will receive more difficult ones. Despite this, it is possible to compare test scores.
Product Information
Use | Applicants for graduate, supervisory, managerial, technical and executive level roles across all industry sectors |
Format | 15 items, untimed, unsupervised |
Adaptive | Improves candidate experience - difficulty varies according to ability |
Languages | French, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, UK English, US English, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Latin American Spanish, Spanish, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese |
Price | Available on request |
Example of RAVEN'S™ Adaptive Test
The RAVEN’S Adaptive Test presents candidates with a completely non-verbal abstract reasoning test. The questions are presented using three-by-three geometric designs. Each image has a piece missing from the diagram. The candidate is tasked with choosing the correct piece from a set of eight to complete the pattern within the matrix.

What is the format of RAVEN'S™ Adaptive?
- Sophisticated scoring system, using computer adaptive testing which tailors the difficulty of items to a test-taker and can offer a more positive test-taker experience.
- Each item is assigned a difficulty level and each test taker starts with an item of average difficulty. If answered correctly, they are then presented with a harder item; if they answer incorrectly they receive an easier one.
- This is repeated for each item and ensures an accurate estimation of the test taker’s ability level in much fewer items.
- Items are drawn from a large bank, ensuring that that the chances of two test-takers receiving the same set of items is minimal, but the tests are nevertheless equivalent in terms of difficulty. Item-banking reduces the chances of items being over-exposed or people sharing items with others.
- Reports in more than 12 languages
- Easy online administration.