"Having a reliable tool that secures recruitment is essential for us."
Claire Gonnet,
Employment and Diversity Manager, MEDIAPOST
MEDIAPOST, a subsidiary of the La Poste Group and a major player in local communication, offers communication solutions to businesses to attract more customers to their store or website. Organized as a network, with 10 Regional Directorates across the territory, MEDIAPOST employs 10,000 employees. As part of their recruitment or internal mobility, Claire GONNET, employment and diversity manager, uses the SOSIE personality inventory and explains the reasons for this.
In what contexts do you use the SOSIE tool?
We use the SOSIE personality inventory in our recruitment processes (mainly for supervisory and managerial positions) and in the evaluation of employees who wish to progress.
We wanted a tool to complement interviews, which would allow us to analyze and discuss the candidate's behavior and motivation in a professional environment. We also wanted to use this tool to better integrate our employees and manage them more effectively, by knowing, for example, their motivational levers.
What are its strengths?
Firstly, SOSIE is a reliable tool in which the candidate recognizes themselves in 99% of cases. Secondly, it is a very good basis for discussion with candidates on topics that are not necessarily spontaneously addressed during an interview.
Thirdly, it is very relevant and the cross-references that we can make allow for a very fine analysis of the candidate.
What are the benefits of this test?
100% of the shortlisted candidates in the recruitment process at headquarters take the SOSIE. The real benefit of the test is the precision of the analysis that we can have, which we review with the candidate and explore with the manager in relation to expectations, constraints and the job environment. Having a reliable tool to secure recruitment is essential for us.
What feedback do you get after its implementation?
Evaluated individuals are always very positively surprised by the results. We sometimes hear: "I didn't think that this could come out in the test because I thought I had managed to erase this trait during the process", "I see myself in the analysis", "It is very much in line with my perception of who I am".
As for the evaluators, the SOSIE is seen as a valuable tool in its analysis. The managers with whom we work trust the elements of the SOSIE and the tool really helps them in the onboarding and management of their new employee.
What did you think of the training you received on the use of this tool?
The training was very detailed and very rich, but essential for getting to grips with the tool and using it independently. The training is only relevant if the person practices, otherwise the tool has a very academic use. Otherwise, it remains a very academic analysis.
When you have just completed the SOSIE training, you should not be afraid to confront your hypotheses with someone experienced with the tool; in my opinion, this is key to your progress.
It is a tool that must be used regularly to master the analysis and to make the most of its potential.