Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices Test (APM III)
Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices Test (APM III)
Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices Test (APM III)
Assess overall general ability and the aptitude to learn new concepts quickly and solve new and complex problems without drawing on prior knowledge
Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices Test (APM III)

What is RAVEN’S Advanced Progressive Matrices?
RAVEN’S Advanced Progressive Matrices is a gold-standard, highly trusted cognitive assessment that helps organisations measure an individual’s level of general (cognitive) ability by specifically assessing non-verbal abstract reasoning skills that are required for success in many job roles or training courses through the use of abstract reasoning tests.
What does RAVEN'S Progressive Matrices measure?
The RAVEN’S matrices specifically assesses the following abilities:
- Lateral thinking
- Learning new concepts quickly
- Solving new and complex problems without drawing on prior knowledge
"We have found the RAVEN’S™ APM to be a good measure of fluid intelligence and it is especially good where other ability tests could disadvantage candidates from different cultural and language backgrounds."
Smithfield Performance Limited
What Are The Benefits of Measuring Cognitive Ability?
Efficient Selection
Cognitive ability tests combined with personality tests can give organisations a full picture of their potential candidates. Helping to pinpoint suitable candidates immediately and making your recruitment process more efficient.
Reduce risk and the cost of a potential 'bad hire'
On average, a 'bad hire' costs companies 30% of each hire's annual salary. Using Raven's Advanced Matrices as a tool can help strengthen your decision-making process.
Make informed decisions
Tools such as the Raven's Advanced Matrices help organisations objectively measure candidates' aptitude and suitability for a job role, as well as providing an indication of their general ability.
Available as an online assessment
Designed to save time and offer greater flexibility, Raven's Advanced Matrices can be offered remotely, online via our testing platform.
Predict the performance of potential employees
Research shows that organisations can predict over 70% of performance by using the right tools. Results can help you identify and select good team members and possible future leaders.
About RAVEN'S Progressive Matrices
Measuring Lateral Thinking with the RAVEN'S Test
There is no one clear test to measure a candidate's ability to think laterally. However, measuring a candidate's thinking via abstract reasoning testing is used as one of many ways to measure lateral thinking. These tests measure a candidate's speed and accuracy in which they can interpret information and identify relationships between shapes and patterns. Measuring abstract reasoning in this manner provides a non-bias way of assessing reasoning and thinking. This reasoning test allows recruiters to better understand how prospective candidates can identify patterns and solve problems relative to their business industry.
What is this Abstract Reasoning Test used for?
Compared with other assessments, RAVEN’S is one of the most proven predictors of performance in roles requiring these abilities. It uses a non-verbal approach (diagrammatic) and therefore reduces potential linguistic bias, thus making it perfect for recruiting across geographies.
RAVEN’S offers information about someone’s capacity for analysing and solving problems, cognitive thinking, abstract reasoning, and the ability to learn. It is widely used within graduate recruitment, plus for roles across multiple sectors.
APM-III allows assessors to easily administer the online tests to any number of test takers for unsupervised remote completion.
Product Information
Use | Applicants for graduate, supervisory, managerial, technical and executive level roles across all industry sectors |
Format | 23 items, 40 mins, unsupervised |
Languages | English, German, Dutch, French, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Spanish |
Price | Available on request |
Example of RAVEN's Advanced Progressive Matrices Test
The RAVEN’S Matrices Test presents candidates with a completely non-verbal abstract reasoning test. The questions are presented using three-by-three geometric designs. Each image has a piece missing from the diagram. The candidate is tasked with choosing the correct piece from a set of eight to complete the pattern within the matrix.

What is the format of RAVEN'S Advanced Progressive Matrices?
- Item-bank renders screen-sharing of items pointless as no two candidates will receive the same set of items. This stops over-exposure of items, thus protecting the integrity of the Test (instructions).
- Reports in more than 12 languages
- Online for unsupervised and/or supervised completion
- Easy to administer. Online test link can be sent to any number of test-takers with one click.