Versant Test-Takers Support
What is the Versant English Assessment?
The Versant English Assessment is a short, 17 minute test used by global organisations, local authorities and councils to measure a candidate’s English speaking and listening skills quickly, accurately and reliably.
You may be asked to sit this assessment when applying for a role in Customer Service, Engineering/manufacturing roles, as a Taxi Driver, Cashier, Sales or Technical Support. Many councils ask candidates to sit this assessment, as part of their safeguarding measures for vulnerable service users. Many licensed roles, such as private hire and taxi driver are asked to take and pass this test as part of obtaining a license.
What format does the test take?
This test only takes 17 minutes to complete, with results delivered to your test administrator in minutes – you should follow up with them for results. There are 63 questions in total covering different areas.:
- Sentence builds
- Story Retelling
- Short answer questions
- Reading
- Repeats
- Open questions
You can take the test via web, software or mobile app. Your test administrator will support you on their preferred route to take and provide you with the necessary information to access the test.
What does Versant measure?
The Versant™ English Assessment consists of 63 questions which cover:
- Sentence builds – you will be asked to listen to a group of three short phrases presented in random order and then rearrange them to make a sentence.
- Story Retelling – you will be asked to listen to a series of brief stories and retell them in English and in their own words.
- Short questions – you should listen to a series of questions and are then instructed to answer in a simple response.
- Reading – you are required to read the sentences as instructed
- Repeat – you are required to repeat each sentence you hear.
- Open questions – you should respond to two questions after a beep, within a time period of 40 seconds.
The scores will assess your overall English speaking and listening abilities plus your fluency, pronunciation, sentence mastery and vocabulary skills.
How do I receive my results?
Your administrator may share test results with you – please follow up with them directly to receive your score.
If you are looking to develop your skills further you may wish to look at:
Pearson English [external link]
UK Learns [external link]
Or seek out support from your local college.
How can I prepare for my test?
Before taking your test, watch our Test-Taking Tips video or read our Insights post with tips on how to ensure you have the best test environment and how to record your responses clearly and naturally.
Good luck with your test!