After a very long career in various operational management positions in the food industry (Heineken), Stéphanie BELDJILALI became a business owner. As a HR/Organisation Consultant, she is the Manager of the ATOUT PLUS Group located in Nouméa, New Caledonia. She shares her experience with the Which Career For Me: Professional powered by Motiva tool that she uses for recruitment within the Group and for clients.
The Atout Plus Group is made up of several companies whose commonality is the human factor in work. We operate in holacracy or shared governance. Temporary work, recruitment, candidate evaluation, skills assessments, continuing professional training, HR and organisational advice, occupational medicine are some of our activities.
We use Which Career For Me: Professional to recruit our employees (internal recruitment) but also to evaluate the candidates we propose to our clients (external recruitment). It is essentially a valuable tool for skills assessments, and or for professional mobility.
Which Career For Me: Professional is unique because it addresses in one evaluation intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, personal values, and professional style. It allows a quick view of the elements necessary for the professional well-being of the candidate and to measure if they will adapt in a given environment. It also allows us to have a very precise idea of demotivation factors.
Evaluators appreciate the ease of use and speed that this well-thought-out and practical tool allows. Which Career For Me: Professional, powered by Motiva provides excellent support to start a discussion as part of an exploratory interview. It provides endless leads that allow us to get to know the person and guide them in their career path, in addition to more traditional psychometric tests, such as personality inventories.
Individuals evaluated, greatly appreciate the complete report. They experience the feedback as a gift!